Application Management
In today's fast track IT environment, it is not unusual to believe that about 75-80 % of IT budgets are spent on Application management/ maintenance. Legacy systems are the operations and knowledge backbone of client organizations; they are non-negotiable and crucial to business survival. Market research estimates show that more than 70% of corporate data still resides on legacy systems. Hence the successful management of legacy systems to meet evolving business needs is the major challenge today. This can be achieved through a comprehensive application portfolio analysis of existing applications.
Our maintenance services range from minor enhancements to complete development life cycle maintenance. Lucid Technologies, Inc provides ongoing functional and application support for your application maintenance needs. Our dedicated teams work for stabilizing, optimizing, and extending your applications so that its functionality continues to meet your growing and changing needs.
Custom Development
Lucid Technologies, Inc's custom development services revolve around service-oriented architecture, including J2EE and .NET, as well as client server or mainframe development, to create solutions that address your business needs and technical requirements. With expertise and resources in the primary development environments, Lucid Technologies, Inc can build or modify your mission-critical applications to ensure reliable delivery of the services you need to compete in today's marketplace.
With an emphasis on service-oriented architecture, Lucid Technologies, Inc drives down the total cost of application development by employing reusable components. Whether you are deploying with J2EE or .NET, our focus on planning the interaction of rules, services and flows ensures that your application supports your long-term strategies.
For Lucid Technologies, Inc, development is not about the short-term. We focus on the application lifecycle and build with an eye on your future needs. Well-planned, quality development can reduce future resource requirements for maintenance and support of an application and simplify configuration management and performance. Quality development not only reduces the total cost of ownership for an application, but is essential for integrating the new and emerging technologies necessary to remain competitive.
Legacy Modernization
Lucid Technologies, Inc knows that transforming established applications to a more modern architecture or language is a cost-effective way to maximize your IT investment. Practical reuse of established systems makes sense in today's budget-conscious world, but reconciling that with increased demand for bigger, better and faster applications creates a gap between new and old.
Bridging the architectural gap between procedural legacy applications on a mainframe, and object-oriented, distributed Java applications on mid-tier and mainframe platforms, can be accomplished with the right partner, the right information and the right options. With Lucid Technologies, Inc as your partner, we can help you extend and modernize your older applications to enable them to achieve the same benefit of newer services-oriented architecture developed applications.
Lucid Technologies, Inc has experience with extending, wrapping or replacing existing applications and we can help you understand the benefits and risks associated with each option. Lucid Technologies, Inc's teams have helped countless clients modernize their applications to greatest advantage. We've helped extract business rules as part of a migration plan to replace a legacy application. We've performed web and component integration to provide immediate, short-term access to data. Whatever your legacy modernization need, we'll help you find a solution that works.
Application Migration Services providing proven methodology based services to help migrate applications to newer platforms and databases.